How to enlarge penis at home? Most men are concerned with penis enlargement, and often under-sized penis. For some, a small penis can become a real phobia and interfere with normal relationships with women. Problems can arise in bed due to low self-esteem. To get rid of them, many methods and medicines have been invented. This review will help you understand the effectiveness of each of them.

There are no strict hierarchies and norms for male members. All penises are normal in size. The deviation is considered to be less than eight centimeters in length in an erect state in an adult male. Larger organs are quite normal from a medical point of view, where each individual can decide for himself whether his penis is normal or small. Partner requirements and ethical considerations play some role in the definition of normality. During intercourse, the length of the penis does not affect getting an orgasm from a partner, doctors say.
The penis is very sensitive to the effects of the body. As a result of practical experiments, scientists have shown that regular intercourse with a partner with a narrow vagina causes a man's penis to shrink within 2 months. If such a rapid reduction is possible, then why not try the opposite, but is it necessary to increase the penis in every situation?
First, let's deal with penis size. The erect genitals of white men are 12 to 16 centimeters long and 3 to 4 centimeters in diameter. If the penis size of the reader of these lines is in this range, then he has no physical problem. The outlook here is psychological attitude. However, if the desire to increase the length of the organ has not gone away, then you can read this article further. Below we have collected the most interesting and effective penis enlargement methods. Here are some of them:
- Jie Qing;
- Surgical treatment;
- the effects of massage;
- Stretching with hanging weights;
- take medicine;
- expander;
- use a vacuum pump;
- use ointments, gels, sprays;
- members on the nozzle.
The best results are always shown through a comprehensive approach to problem solving. You don't have to wait for instant growth. Very important is the regularity and perseverance of the exercise, then the results will be positive.

Can I enlarge my penis by myself?
Some men don't believe in the easy way that works at home. Many ads sometimes overly describe speed and efficiency. The main thing here is to choose the method that suits men without wasting energy, time and money.

Jie Qing
The technology that affects the genitals originated in the Middle East. It has also been used successfully in India and Africa since ancient times. A special set of exercises is sometimes called "milking" because of the peculiar movement. The technology has stood the test of time and has had many positive results. Manual shocks after a certain amount of time help increase the length of the penis.
To get started with this method, you must first purchase the right lubricant and follow the instructions. Several variants of milking techniques have been developed. During the procedure, the member should be in a state of incomplete erection, 60-75% is sufficient. Physiological effects occur due to additional blood flow and increased blood circulation.
There are many cavernous bodies within each male organ. The Jelqing massage technique acts on them, stretching along the length. After months of vigorous exercise, the corpus cavernosums begin to increase in size so they can hold more blood during an erection. Large amounts of blood in the penis can lead to increased length. There are many ways to "milk" the Yeqing method. Instructions are posted on the Internet or can be obtained from professional literature. There are even instructional videos. Consider some well-known and effective exercises here.
1 practice
Before starting the procedure, the corpus cavernosum needs to be warmed up. This will increase the elasticity of the wall. This operation is done in any possible way. You can heat a little kosher salt or cereal in a pan, pour them into a cloth bag or regular socks and tie them so they don't crumble. The resulting heating pad is then applied to the penis and heated from different sides.
After that, the penis will become erect, but not completely. Apply the prepared lubricant to the genitals. The fingers of one hand cover the organ at the base, forming a tight ring, and in slow motions bring the fingers toward the head, as if stretching the penis. The ring should not loosen along the way. There is no need to switch to the head during surgery. The first 40 movements is enough, then gradually increase to 200.
Exercise 2
In this method, the pressure on the organ is not with the fingers, but with the palm of the hand. Cover and compress the penis tightly for 10 seconds. Stress is no longer necessary. If the width of the palm does not overlap the length of the organ, then you can use the second hand. During compression, the members turn left, right, up, and down in sequence. You can change the order at will. The pressure on the penis should be intense, but not necessarily painful to avoid damaging the soft tissue. Judging from the reviews of people who have tried this technique, the length of the organ may increase by 2 cm after a few months.
There is no economical cost to use massage and it is very suitable for family conditions. Many men try this organ enlargement technique. This method allows you to lengthen your penis, making it larger and works well for increasing male potency.
A prerequisite before starting the procedure is a heated penis. The easiest way to do this is to take a small towel, soak it in warm water, and wrap it around the genitals. After a few minutes, repeat the process. This needs to be done three times. A warm compress warms the soft tissues and enhances the massage. In the genitals, blood circulation increases and the skin becomes more elastic.
Various massage methods have been developed. Some recommend using the organ in an erect state, while others recommend using the organ with a weaker penis. Both processes can be seen in the video and choose the appropriate option for yourself. The selected techniques must be used systematically to achieve positive results.
load pause
Due to the large static load, this technique uses a strong stretch of the penis. This method can have negative consequences and soft tissue damage if used inaccurately. The corpus cavernosum wall and penile ligaments are heavily loaded and stretched along their length when the load is suspended. This technique does not increase the volume of the penis. For starters, you can find suitable videos on the Internet and see for yourself what is happening on the screen.
Sex organs must be warmed up before hanging the load. Then, behind the head of the penis, with the help of duct tape, fasten a rope to which a load has been hung. Start with lightweight. The procedure was completed within 25 minutes for the first time. In subsequent sessions, the pause time and load size gradually increased. Mounting and weight should not cause head numbness. If this happens, the load will be reduced. With the help of the hanging weight, the penis is not only elongated, but also aligned.
The device stretches the soft tissue during application, the body resists and gets rid of discomfort and begins to build muscle mass. Sexual organs grow and enlarge as a result of exposure. The advantages of this technique include the stability of the results. Enlarged members will no longer revert to their previous status. Programs that use the extender are performed several hours a day.
According to the mode of action, the devices are: vacuum, belt, ring. The latter are cheaper but not as easy to use as the other types. The choice of options depends on the man's own preferences. To see and feel how to use the extender, you should first watch a video with different use cases, then stop at one. Each method has its positive and negative characteristics.
vacuum pump
The equipment according to the method of operation is similar to the pump that everyone is familiar with. Not only is it successfully used to lengthen the penis, but it is also used for medical purposes to increase potency. The pump also helps in cases where a natural erection does not reach the parameters required for normal continued sexual intercourse. The included device creates a vacuum around the penis, which increases blood flow and erection.
Before starting the procedure, the penis is lubricated with a special ointment and inserted into the opening of the device. The device is then turned on to draw air out of the space between the organ and the cylinder wall. Male members are in an area of low pressure. Blood begins to flow to the tissue in an enhanced pattern, filling the vacated space. At the same time, the dignity of men is increasing. The pressure is controlled by a built-in pressure gauge and is maintained within the specified parameters according to the instructions. The technology can be viewed in videos on the Internet.
The increase in penis length and volume is not permanent, so it is best to use this method as a potency-enhancing measure before sexual intercourse begins. Although temporary, many men use this technique regularly to increase the size of their organs and get good erections. Vacuum equipment can be found in specialized stores and pharmacies.
Ointments, Creams, Gels and Sprays
Online and in the media, these organ enlargement tools have received a lot of attention. They are convenient and easy to use, but high efficiency is rather far-fetched. Expert opinion is mixed, but some effects are still observed. The question is whether it is appropriate to purchase such a trivial opportunity to increase the length of the penis.
Effects on the genitals do not depend on the form in which the drug is dispensed and can be of the following types:
- short term. Use remedies before sexual intercourse begins, and the action continues until the end;
- long. Long-term use of the preparation increases the length;
- Auxiliary. It is used in combination with other medicines.
In the first case, the effectiveness of the method justifies itself. The tasks assigned to him are carried out. As part of the preparation, special warming additives are used to allow blood to flow to the genitals. As a result, blood flow increases and the head and penis itself swell.
The long-term effects of chemicals alone have not been clinically proven. The vast amount of rave reviews on the web is likely to be paid for by the manufacturer or seller. Miracle cures that do not use other methods do not lead to positive results. In addition to massage or supplements, you can also apply ointments and creams. In this case, the effect will be long-lasting. This sophisticated technique has been proven through clinical trials by scientists and actual use by men.
Not every man will have his genitals replaced under a surgeon's knife. The above techniques are not as effective as surgery, but are much cheaper. The cost of surgery is quite high.
During surgery, several methods of resizing are used: increasing length and volume. Traditional surgery allows you to increase your masculinity by 4 cm. They are performed in specialized institutions under local anesthesia. Good experts minimize the likelihood of negative outcomes, but does everyone make a decision about it? Maybe it's better to start with a less aggressive approach? The risk is minimal and the savings are at hand.
Special equipment is sold in stores and can help during sex. Their use allows you to increase not only the length but also the thickness of the manliness at any time. Open and closed devices have been developed. The second is more suitable for intercourse. For making soft elastic silicone or latex. They feel very similar to genuine leather.
Some models can increase the male organ by up to 10 cm, and the more moderate ones can extend your penis by 3-6 cm. The sensitivity of the penis during sexual intercourse decreases and the length increases. If your sexual relationship with your partner is harmonious, then you can sometimes use this attachment to strengthen your relationship. On the Internet, there are comments about women using nozzles during sex.
in conclusion
As you can see, there are enough ways to prolong male dignity: from the simplest and cheapest to effective and expensive. They should only be used if penis length issues interfere with normal sex life. For the sake of experimentation, you shouldn't try them, because size is what nature gives to men, which should be proud of.